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Wigley & Roberts carries out a wide range of subdivisions from small two Lot Freehold Subdivisions to large Multi Lot Developments. We specialize in infill subdivision and we have a wide range of experience in completing subdivisions on sites, ranging from flat sites on the Hutt Valley floor to steeper more difficult sites in Wellington City. We have also completed a number of larger 30 Lot Subdivisions on old school sites in Wainuiomata and in Upper Hutt. On these sites we have engaged specialist Geotech consultants where necessary. We have invested considerable time in the latest survey software 12d. All our Cadastral plans are now lodged electronically by eSurvey into Land Information New Zealand’s Landonline system. Electronic certifications are also obtained from most Councils making the electronic eSurvey system very efficient.


We have vast experience in redefining existing boundaries on a wide range of sites, ranging from high value intercity commercial sites to normal residential sections. We define boundaries on a range of surveys from very old “turn of the century surveys” to more modern subdivisions. We can access survey records online so that an estimate can be provided on the same day as an enquiry is made.


We have completed numerous large Multi Level Unit Title apartment surveys in Wellington City over a number of years. We have built up experience in this area and can provide sound advice in relation to the Unit Title Act and Resource Consent process. We have also recently completed Multi Level Unit Title Developments in Petone and Lower Hutt City.


Virtually every development or subdivision requires a Resource Consent Application and this work forms a major part of a development process. We have excellent rapport with all the Councils in the Wellington Region and have built up expertise in the various types of Resource Consent Applications required for any development. We can advise on the type of Consent required and give an indication on the likelihood of success based on past experience.


This forms a major component of our work and a detailed site survey is an essential start to the engineering and architectural design process. Most sites in Wellington City are tight, difficult and/or steep and it is essential that a detailed site survey is carried out to assist with the design process. We operate in a fully electronic environment with an ability to produce site plans that can be imported into any engineering or architectural computer aided draughting system. We use reflectorless technology so that adjoining neighbours buildings can be plotted in terms of height and position without having to physically enter onto the adjoining properties.


As part of most subdivisions we design the services to the new allotments as well as the roading access. We have built up an excellent rapport with Council Drainage Engineers to ensure designs meet Council standards and are the most cost effective solution. We can also recommend drainage contractors that will reliably complete work to Council standards and offer a competitive price.


We carry out a wide range of setouts of construction works for small scale projects. We also set out multi level buildings for selected clients. We pride ourselves on our quality control system where rigorous checking procedures have been put in place so that independent checks can be carried out on every point that is setout. Detailed diagrams of every setout are provided to ensure that there is no misinterpretation.


We carry out detailed site surveys that form the basis of a sun shading analysis. We use reflectorless technology so that adjoining buildings can be plotted in terms of height and position in order to determine the effects of sun shading. We use an Architectural consultant to present the results in easily understood 3-dimensional diagrams. Shading diagrams can be produced that show effects at any given time or day of the year.

Wigley & Roberts

We are a small, efficient land surveying firm with a focus to long term business relationships and quality service. When you deal with us, you deal with the directors of the company who have over 50 years of experience between them.

"Wigley and Roberts can manage your subdivision project from start to finish."

Contact us


Peter: 021-244-5444
Mark: 029-246-8123


  • Subdivisions
  • Boundary definitions
  • Multi unit title developments
  • Resource consent applications
  • Site surveys
  • Services and roading design
  • Set out construction works
  • Sun shading